9 Ways Updating Your Resume On LinkedIn Can Help You Get a Job

In today's digital age, maintaining a strong online presence is crucial for professional growth. Your LinkedIn profile serves as your virtual resume, showcasing your skills, experience, and accomplishments to potential employers, recruiters, and connections. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to refresh and optimize your LinkedIn profile for maximum professional impact.

Steps to update your resume on Linkedin

  1. assess your current profile

  2. make sure your link is unique to your name

  3. optimize your headline and summary

  4. ask colleagues or managers to leave you endorsements

  5. enhance your education and certifications

  6. incorporate relevant media and projects

  7. request recommendations and endorsements

  8. stay active and engage with connections

  9. keep your profile up-to-date

Assess Your Current Profile

Before making any updates, take a critical look at your current profile. Review your existing information, photos, and posts to ensure they align with your professional goals and personal brand. Take a look at other profiles that are in a similar situation to yours. Look at previous colleagues or school classmates. See what they have done with their profiles and identify the things you like and don’t like.

Make Sure Your LinkedIn Link Is Your Name

If you’re not sure what we’re referring to here, go to your LinkedIn profile right now. Look at the URL, what does it say after https://www.linkedin.com/in/? Is it your name? or is it a bunch random numbers with your name in between? If that’s the case you’ll want to change your URL asap so that it looks like this: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-doe

Steps to change LinkedIn profile URL

  1. go to your LinkedIn profile

  2. Click on “public profile & URL” on the right hand side

  3. Click on “edit your custom URL”

  4. Change your URL

Optimize Your Headline and Summary

Your headline and summary are the first things people see on your profile. Craft a captivating headline that highlights your expertise and value proposition. Use the summary section to briefly overview your professional background, accomplishments, and career goals. There are no rules that say your headline needs to be your job title. Utilize the headline section to elaborate on your perspective of your role, your motivations, and what drives you. Consider checking out the profile page headlines of proficient sales reps in your company who excel at social selling for ideas. They typically go beyond just stating their job titles.

Ask Colleagues or Managers to Leave You Endorsements

Receiving endorsements from fellow members validates your skills and enhances your credibility. Wondering how to secure endorsements on LinkedIn? Begin by reviewing your network and recognizing connections who you believe genuinely deserve an endorsement from you – this often prompts them to reciprocate. Feel free to send a polite message requesting endorsements for a few essential skills too. However, keep in mind that relevance is crucial. Approach individuals whose endorsement you truly value.

Enhance Your Education and Certifications

Include your educational background and any relevant certifications you have obtained. This information adds depth to your profile and demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning. Upon finishing a course on LinkedIn Learning, you can add a course certificate to your LinkedIn profile. Simply navigate to the Learning History section of your LinkedIn Learning account to do so. Additionally, within this section, you have the option to share updates about your learning with your network if you wish.

Incorporate Relevant Media and Projects

The marketing materials you create for your business can enhance your personal profile. Sharing case studies, white papers, and other branded content provides insight into the values and essence of your company, showcasing what drives you. This practice reflects your passion and dedication, giving others a glimpse into your professional persona.

Request Recommendations and Endorsements

Endorsements provide a swift, visual overview of your key strengths for profile visitors. Recommendations, on the other hand, go a step beyond by offering personalized testimonials that highlight your work experience. In the Recommendations section of your profile, you can conveniently use the drop-down menu to select specific contacts and ask for recommendations. Consider carefully who you would appreciate a recommendation from and tailor your request accordingly. Investing the time to personalize your request can be highly beneficial in the long run.

Stay Active and Engage with Connections

Having a network of connections on LinkedIn is valuable, but actively engaging with that network by providing value in their feed is even more impactful. Sharing pertinent content with your connections is an effective approach to achieving this. Start by monitoring your LinkedIn feed closely and sharing content that genuinely interests you and resonates with your perspective.

Keep Your Profile Up-to-Date

Lastly, make it a habit to update your LinkedIn profile regularly with new accomplishments, projects, or skills. A current and dynamic profile shows that you are actively engaged in your career.


A well-optimized LinkedIn profile can significantly boost your professional visibility and credibility. By following these steps to refresh your profile, you can attract more opportunities, network effectively, and position yourself for career success in the digital age. Take the time to invest in your online presence – it will pay off in the long run.

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